Our Services
In addition to our Standard Home Inspection, Pre-Listing Inspection and Warranty Inspection, we also perform these inspection services.
Wood Destroying Insect Inspection

We recommend having a WDI inspection performed if the home is older than 2 years. Be aware of the threat of termites, beetles or any other organisms that may threaten your home's structural integrity.
DHI can have a licensed pest control professional inspect your home and provide a full report.
Phase Inspections / New Construction

Are you having a new home built? There is a false perception that a newly constructed home will be problem free. Although most builders adhere to the best building practices and codes, sometimes problems do occur during construction. Its always better to know and correct any problems before you move into your new home instead of afterwards. Let DHI help manage this process for you by being your eyes at the construction site. Call and ask us about our phase inspections.
Loan Draw Inspections

Are you a lender looking for an inspector to perform draw loan inspections on your clients' construction loans in the DFW area? If so then, we are your company. We are typically available to do site inspections within 24 to 48 hours. We can use your draw form or you may use our industry standard form. Call us for pricing and make an appointment today.
Lawn Irrigation

Automatic lawn irrigation systems or sprinklers make watering your lawn much easier. A properly watered lawn stays green and enhances your curb appeal. When its not working, improperly installed or leaking, however; your sprinkler may actually cost you more money. Brown lawns will have to be nurtured back to health. Leaks in the system lead to costly water bills.
Let DHI take the worry out of that with a lawn irrigation inspection.
Swimming Pools/Spas

Are you buying a home that has a swimming pool or spa? Make sure it's performing as it should and is safe. Let us perform our 20 point pool/spa inspection process and be sure you know the condition of that pool before you purchase your new home.
Know that you and your family will have safe and worry-free swimming.
Aerobic Visual Septic Inspection

If the home that you are about to purchase has an on-site waste treatment system, otherwise known as a septic system, make sure it is in good working order.
DHI performs inspections on aerobic systems that include examination of the controls, tank, field distribution system and chlorination systems. We document our inspection with photos and a video of the tank's interior.
Pier and Beam Foundation

Not all homes rest on concrete slab foundations. Older homes often sit on a Pier & Beam foundation. Our Pier & Beam Inspection includes a look inside the crawlspace to review the condition of the piers, beams, plumbing, electrical, ductwork, crawlspace venting, insulation and vapor barriers.
Docks and Bulkheads

So you're finally buying that lake front home. What's the condition of the dock? Is there a boat lift? Does the shoreline have a bulkhead?
That dock or boat lift may look great but are you really sure you can trust having your family use it?
Don't trust yourself, have DHI inspect that dock and bulkhead to be sure it's structurally sound and enjoy your lake front activities.